From small and sweet to big and bold, annuals with their wide variety of shapes and colours can add personality and character to any garden. Many of them play the useful role of attracting pollinators while others offer a unique twist to your dinner plate, not to mention their role in making stunning containers and baskets. In this presentation, Master Gardeners Claire Leduc and Catherine Disley will help you feel confident in adding and caring for a wide range of annuals in your garden.
Claire Leduc joined the Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton in 2017, and has been gardening in urban and rural environments for more than 25 years. She has developed a particular interest in designing drought-tolerant gardens, while using forest and nature as inspirations. She uses annuals in containers as a way to extend garden space, while adding colour and texture, and to attract pollinators.
Catherine is a graduate of Algonquin College Horticulture and Landscaping program. Over the past 40 years she has worked in a variety of horticultural industries such as garden centers, florists, and interior tropical plant maintenance. Drawing on her floral design background, she creates container arrangements combining interesting plants, flowers and foliage. She grows vegetable, small fruits as well as perennial and annual flowers to support beneficial insects, pollinators and wildlife. Catherine has been a member of Master Gardeners of Ottawa Carleton for 12 years and enjoys providing gardening advice and promotes the use of native plants and sustainable gardening practices.
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