OHS PC 2024 - Class 5 : The Pollinators Please click on the picture to enlarge it. 5.1 Goldenrod Pollinators 5.2 Sneezeweed 5.3 Painted Lady On Cherry Blossoms 5.4 Woolly Bear on Liatris Seedhead 5.5 Spider at Cottage 5.6 Bee on Cosmos 5.7 Ant on Dandelion 5.8 Come Dine at Mine 5.9 Snail on Stonecrop 5.10 Swallowtail Caterpillar on Parsley 5.11 Tent Caterpillar 5.12 Pollinator on Orange 5.13 ‘Take Your Child to Work’ Day 5.14 Bee on Helianthus 5.15 Black Swallowtail and Verbena 5.16 Bee Visiting with Verbena 5.17 Hummingbird at Fletcher Garden 5.18 Monarch Butterfly at Ornamental Garden CLASS 1 CLASS 2 CLASS 3 CLASS 4 CLASS 5 CLASS 6 CLASS 7